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Non Profit Alcohol Rehab

What is a non-profit alcohol rehab?

A non-profit alcohol rehab is a centre which provides rehabilitation program for persons affected with alcoholism, but doesn’t charge any fee for this service. Having a strong social agenda of removing alcoholism from all the sections of the society, non-profit alcohol rehab centers are normally established to help and assist people who are not financially strong to help their own cause of de-addiction. Such people need help and assistance from external sources to start their alcohol rehab program. Non-profit alcohol rehab programs are supported by and backed by US Government as well as various charitable trusts and NGOs.

History of non-profit alcohol rehabs

Although there is no definite historical data which can inform us the starting point of nonprofit alcohol rehab centers in and around New York, the US government ever since its formation had always focused on providing medical services to the under-privileged. In the same endeavor, US government introduced the famous s 501 (C) provisions wherein an Internal Revenue Code is allocated to any organization which provides services free of charge and without any intention of earning money from the service. The Federal Tax rates and other taxes are exempted from these nonprofit alcohol rehab centers in New York.

How does a non-profit rehab differ from other rehabs?

A nonprofit drug rehab center does not differ from other existing rehab centers; the US government’s charitable act empowers them to fund and allocate resources to these nonprofit alcohol rehab centers so that they can provide the best quality of treatment, even in the absence of any service charges. The licensing authority ensures that a person getting treatment at a nonprofit alcohol rehab center is provided the same level of medication, consultation and care which any other profit generating rehab center is providing.

Where do non-profit alcohol rehabs receive funding?

There are various sources which directly or indirectly provide funding for nonprofit alcohol rehab centers in New York. Some of these sources are:

  • Government aids: The government of USA provides timely aids and other benefits to these nonprofit rehab centers. The government aid may also appear in the form of services by expert medical professionals.
  • Donations: Donations from public at large are always welcomed and form a major source of funding.
  • Charitable Trusts: There are several charitable trusts all over New York which directly or indirectly fund some of these nonprofit alcohol rehab centers in New York.

For more information related to nonprofit alcohol rehab centers in New York, please call us at (866) 531-4569

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